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Prepositions (5:59)
Adjectives and adverbs
Verb tenses
Modal verbs
Countable and uncountable nouns
The passive
How to pronounce the 'r' - Video (4:13)
Pronouncing telephone numbers - Exercise
Pronounicing numbers correctly - Video (5:05)
Saying the date and year correctly - Video (5:14)
Vocabulary and functional language
Telling the time - Video (5:42)
Useful numbers - Video (3:02)
Clarifying information - Videos (16:24)
Greetings, introductions and small talk (with question tags) (20:58)
Making polite requests - Video (5:16)
Video calls - Video (10:25)
Talking about clothes
Business idioms and vocabulary
Talking about the weather
Meetings - Video (27:23)
Emails - Video (26:30)
Feelings - 'ed' and 'ing' adjectives
Often confused words / verbs
Self-study skills
Starting a vocabulary book
Identifying unknown vocabulary
Teach online with
Adjectives and adverbs
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